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Arrow Sterling Silver pendant with a New Zealand Paua shell inlay. Offer excludes chain Dimensions: 30mm x...
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Bi-colour Sterling Silver dress ring with a New Zealand Paua shell inlay. It's available in...
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Classic two-tone pear shape Sterling Silver dress ring with natural NZ Paua shell inlay. It's available...
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Boxed Sterling Silver pendant with a New Zealand Paua shell inlay. Offer excludes chain Dimensions: 35mm x...
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Braided circle Sterling silver dress ring with a New Zealand Paua shell inlay. It's available in...
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Special Gift Certificates from Canterbury Jewellers may be used towards any product or service and...
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Celtic Sterling Silver pendant with a New Zealand Paua shell inlay Offer excludes chain Dimensions: 37mm Made...
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Curls Sterling Silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay offer excludes chain dimensions: 37mm...
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Droplet Sterling Silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay offer excludes chain dimensions: 21mm x...
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Elongated blue-green cushion shape Sterling Silver dress ring with natural NZ Paua shell inlay. It's available in...
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Exx design Sterling silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay. offer excludes chain. dimensions: 27mm...
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Flower Sterling Silver Pendant with NZ Paua shell inlay. Offer excludes chain Dimensions: 40mm x 40mm...
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Hill Sterling Silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay offer excludes chain dimensions: 31mm x...
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Hoka design Sterling silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay offer excludes chain dimensions: 49mm x...
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Shaped like an hourglass this stunning sterling silver dress ring with natural NZ Paua shell...
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Hutt Sterling Silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay offer excludes chain dimensions: 22mm...
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Infinity Sterling silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay offer excludes chain dimensions: 63mm...
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Iwi Sterling silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay. offer excludes chain dimensions: 35mm Made...
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Korus shell Sterling silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay offer excludes chain dimensions: 40mm x...
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Ladies oval signet ring LS8VS made in New Zealand by Canterbury Jewellers Made in New...
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Large Koru Sterling Silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay Offer excludes chain Dimensions: 45mm...
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Sterling Silver fern design pendant. offer excludes chain. dimensions: 40mm x 18mm Made in New...
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Life Sterling Silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay Offer excludes chain Dimensions: 27mm Made in...
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Little Iwi Sterling Silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay Offer excludes chain Dimensions:...
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Marquise twist Sterling Silver dress ring with natural NZ Paua shell inlay. It's available in ring...
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Matariki Sterling silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay. Offer excludes chain. Dimensions: 37mm x...
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Medium Koru Sterling Silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay Offer excludes chain Dimensions: 30mm x...
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Medium Lunar Sterling Silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay Offer excludes chain Dimensions:...
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Miss Yang Sterling Silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay Offer excludes chain Dimensions: 28mm...
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Mountain Sterling Silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay Offer excludes chain Dimensions: 28mm x...
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NZ Sterling silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay Offer excludes chain Dimensions: 43mm...
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Orbit Sterling Silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay Offer excludes chain Dimensions: 36mm...
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Dolphin shell Sterling silver pendant with natural NZ Paua shell inlay. offer excludes chain. dimensions: 38mm x...
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Oval sterling silver dress ring with natural NZ Paua shell inlay is very Zen. It's available...
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Paua river Sterling silver dress ring with natural NZ Paua shell inlay. It's available in...
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Asymmetrical trilliant shape Sterling Silver dress ring with natural NZ Paua shell inlay. It's available in...